Here’s to Becoming
a Self-Assured Speaker!

It’s time to STOP holding yourself back from creating the impact and the income you desire.

If you’re ready to present yourself as a magnetic leader, speak about your business with authority, And promote yourself with ease…

Stick around, I’m going to show you how!

Communication Coaching & Training for Self-led business women, who want to Elevate their Impact and their Income

Hi, I’m Elisa!

Founder of the Self-Assured Speaker, Certified 3V Communications Coach, Sales and Marketing Specialist, and Mother of 2!

I help you show up & speak up in your business with confidence and authority, by giving you the tools to build strong communication skills, and empowering you to trust yourself to use them!

So often, my clients come to me feeling frustrated and insecure because they don’t know what to say or how to say it when it comes to talking about their business. They struggle with :

  • Sharing their ideas - for fear of them not being good enough

  • Taking up space and being seen - out of a deeply rooted belief that they’re not worthy

  • Speaking clearly and concisely - because they never learned to be verbally organized

  • Promoting themselves confidently - because they worry about sounding arrogant and sales-y

Much of their concerns stem from feelings of self-doubt and imposter syndrome, but the real challenge lies in a lack of knowledge and tools for how to communicate effectively.

This makes all of the necessary to-do’s for business growth a massive challenge:

  • Lead client meetings? Ick!

  • Network and build community? No, thank you!

  • Grow your visibility through speaking opportunities? Oh, heck no!

  • Promote yourself online and sell your services? Count me out!

As a fellow entrepreneur, who has experienced all of the above in the early years of my business, I completely feel your frustration. AND, I also know that it doesn’t have to feel this way. 

The problem is NOT that your ideas are not good enough. It is NEVER that you are unworthy of taking up space, promoting yourself and being the confident and magnetic leader you desire. 

The problem lies in trusting yourself and the solution lies in building greater competence as a communicator.

This is great news, because communication is a skill, and it can be strengthened!

As a certified communication coach, I provide you with the training and tools to build strong communication skills, so you can effectively talk about your business, confidently promote yourself, and watch your impact and your income SOAR.

Ready to learn how I can help you become a
Self-Assured Speaker?

Work with Elisa

Before you go - Don’t miss this!

Grab your free guide to crafting a clear message so you always know what to say (even when you don’t)!

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