

about 1:1 coaching

  • work closely together in a strategic & creative process that blends self-discovery with traditional training to maximize your personal and professional potential. 1:1 Coaching allows you to take a deep dive into your professional goals, reflect on the self-limiting beliefs that are currently holding you back from achieving those goals, assess your skill development needs, and create a clear action plan forward.

    Working with a Coach gives you:

    • a safe and non judgmental space to share your ideas, fears, and goals

    • an outside perspective in identifying your areas of improvement

    • an accountability partner to ensure you stay the course

  • My Coaching Framework (the Self-Assured Speaker Framework) looks at 3 pillars that I believe are essential to becoming an effective communicator: Mindset, Message, and Method of Delivery

    Mindset: We all experience communication anxiety to some degree, and overcoming it starts within. Together we help you identify when and why your nerves arise and the tools you need to ensure you can manage your nerves when the come up, so they don't run the show!

    Message: Creating a clear and concise message is crucial to effective communication. Together we help you identify how you can improve the structure and language of your messaging so that you can create the greatest impact.

    Method of Delivery: Communication is more than what you say; it's also how you say it! Polish your speaking skills and learn vocal and visual techniques to present yourself as a confident and compelling speaker.

  • My coaching process is about setting you up for long-term success. It’s about coaching you to lead yourself; to be able to evaluate your own skills, return to your tools over and over again, and know how to hold yourself accountable as you work towards your goals.

    That's why I follow my A+ Approach:

    Assessment: Self assess, where are you now, where do you desire to be?

    Analysis: Analyze to understand what are the gaps between where you currently are and where you want to be, and what knowledge and skills will allow you to fill those gaps (training and tools play a big role here)

    Action: Create a concrete plan of action to start implementing your new skills in your day to day life

    Accountability: How can I hold you accountable, and how can you hold yourself accountable, to make sure you are taking action?

Your 1:1 Private Coaching Options

The Authority Builder (6 Months)
$5,197 +GST

This program is for you if you are ready to ignite the leader within. You are committed to learning how to position yourself as the authority within your business, company, and/or industry so you can build your impact, expand your influence and grow your income.

What’s Included:

  • 6 1 hour coaching sessions (Scheduled Monthly)

  • Personal Communication Assessment & Goal Setting for our 6 months together

  • Resources and learning material to support you in your skill development

  • Bi-Weekly homework and reflection to help you move the needle toward your desired goal

  • 2 days of Voxer//Email support (Monday - Friday) each week in between sessions

  • A personalized action plan to continue moving your progress beyond our time together

  • Choose from Add on 1 or 2 below:

    • Add on 1: Enrolment in Authority Builder’s Blueprint group coaching program

    • Add on 2: 6 additional coaching sessions (12 sessions total scheduled biweekly)

The Self- Assured Speaker (3 months)
$2,849 +GST

You know communication is an ongoing challenge for you and you see how it holds you back from reaching your desired levels of success. You’re ready to go All-IN, ditch the communication anxiety and put yourself in the driver’s seat so you can become the magnetic and dynamic communicator you aspire to be, and create the impact you know you are here to make.

  • Biweekly 1:1 Private Session (6 sessions total)

  • Goal Setting and 12 week Action Plan

  • Resources and learning material to support you in your skill development

  • Biweekly action items you move the needle toward your desired goal

  • 1 Day of Voxer/Email support per week in between sessions

What’s Included:

The SAS Accelerator (4 Weeks)
$1,197 + GST

This intensive coaching program is for you if you have a specific area you‘re wanting to refine your skills in (i.e. presenting at a meeting, giving a speech, nailing an interview, etc.) so you can boost your confidence and show up like the expert you know you are!

  • Weekly 1:1 Private Session (4 sessions total)

  • Resources and learning material to support you

  • Weekly homework and reflection to help you move the needle toward your desired goal

What’s Included:

Let’s Stay In Touch.