Where Self-led business women discover their voice, and learn how to use it!


Unlock your Brilliance and Share it with the world

Inside the Self-Assured Speakers (SAS) Academy, my mission is so much greater than teaching you how to communicate:

It’s teaching you to trust yourself.

To trust your knowledge, your voice, and your ability to use both to get what you desire in your business.


You’re a self-starter. A woman, with a clear purpose and fire inside to step into your next level of success. You have no shortage of brilliance or ambition, but when the time comes to put your message out there for the world to see and hear, you find yourself stuck in a self-doubt spiral.

The not-so-quiet voice in the back of your head gets louder every time you begin to share what you know, leaving you to question:

  • Do I really know what I’m talking about?

  • Is this idea worth sharing?

  • Am I qualified to be talking about this?

  • Am I making sense when I speak?

  • Do I sound too sales-y?

And the more you question yourself, the more you feel:

  • Overwhelmed with your own messaging

  • Hesitant to share your knowledge

  • Awkward for promoting or selling yourself,

  • Afraid to put yourself out there, and ultimately

  • Frustrated that your business is not moving forward!

This ends today.


A training program intentionally, and strategically, designed for the self-led business woman, who wants to ditch imposter syndrome, build unshakable self-trust, and develop strong, effective communication skills for her business.

Coming Soon

Master your Mindset:

  • Overcome imposter syndrome, embrace your leadership potential, and build unshakable self-trust.

Develop Communication Excellence:

  • Develop clear verbal communication skills, master non-verbal cues, and enhance assertiveness for professional success.

Magnetize your Personal Brand:

  • Craft and communicate a powerful personal brand that is aligned with your goals and resonates with your audience.

Build Your Sales Confidence:

  • Learn effective communication skills in sales and persuasion to navigate business deals, partnerships,
    and collaborations successfully.

Grow your Visibility:

  • Get in front of new audiences and across new platforms, to grow your visibility

inside the academy

The art of communication

is the language of leadership.

—James Humes