elisa valade elisa valade

Stepping into the most Confident Version of Yourself

It is a Brand New Year, and if you are ready to ditch your communication anxiety once and for all, and practice stepping into the most confident and magnetic Version of yourself - I have a tool for you that can change the way you present yourself on a day to day basis and help you become a truly magnetic communicator. - Keep reading!

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elisa valade elisa valade

Building Confidence in your Conversations

We all experience a lack of confidence at some point in our lives. In fact, lacking confidence in communication especially in the business setting is quite common. In this blog we’ll explore where the lack of self confidence stems from, and what you can do to start improving your confidence in your conversations today

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elisa valade elisa valade

Why Your Communication Matters

We hear all the time in both our personal and professional lives that it’s “all about communication.”

Our Communicaton is one of the most powerful tools in your tool kit. In this blog, I’m explaining why and how you can boost your impact and your influence!

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