Why Your Communication Matters

We hear all the time in both our personal and professional lives that it’s “all about communication.” We understand that communication is a skill we use every day, and that it is really important for effectively transferring information between each other, and also for managing relationships because its how we express our ideas, thoughts and feelings and how we hear and understand the same from others. 

On a basic level we get why communication matters, and most of us are self-aware enough to recognize that we could communicate more effectively day-to-day. However, we tend to only think of this in terms of how we verbally speak to each other, and how good of a listener we are.

While this is incredibly important, it’s simply not enough, because our communication extends far beyond what we say to each other.

If you can understand and learn to manage the 3 elements I’m going to explain in this blog, it will dramatically change the impact and the influence you can have in your work, and in your life.

Communication: Why it really matters

We are not just communicating everyday; we are communicating all day everyday, and we are doing this both verbally and non verbally. Because it is second nature to us, most of us are not fully aware of the message we are conveying through our verbal and, especially, our non verbal communication. And here’s the kicker:  if we are not aware of it, then we are not controlling it.  

This matters because

How we communicate influences how others perceive us.

This is a result of what is called the 3V effect. Allow me to explain:

The 3Vs of Communication

As a certified communication coach I am trained under the 3V communication methodology. This means that my training and coaching practices look at communication holistically, considering all elements of verbal, vocal and visual communication.

Why is this important?

Because research shows that 7% of our communication is verbal. Which means 93% of our communication is non-verbal (vocal and visual). This is a massively substantial piece of the communication pie, and in order for us to communicate our message effectively, we want to have all 3Vs working in synchronicity

This 3V effect creates the 4th V - vibe.

The vibe, in other words, is the way we present ourselves to the world around us, and the vibe we give off is the reason we form an opinion of someone in a matter of seconds. 

When the 3Vs are in harmony we demonstrate confidence, stronger communication and better rapport. When the 3Vs are not in harmony, it can lead to mis- communication, mis-understanding and mis-trust. 

The Power in Communication

If our verbal + vocal + visual communication = the way we present ourselves to the world around us, then this means that you have the ability to influence how others perceive you, based on how you present yourself. 

Think about the impact, the influence, and the success you could create in your work (and in your life) if you learned how to present yourself as a confident, credible, likable leader?

That’s pretty powerful stuff!

Learn more about how coaching or training can support you to become the confident, credible, likeable leader you desire to be.

If you can understand and learn to manage the 3 elements I’m going to explain in this blog, it will dramatically change the impact and the influence you can have in your work, and in your life.

We are not just communicating everyday; we are communicating all day everyday, and we are doing this both verbally and non verbally.

Because it is second nature to us, most of us are not fully aware of the message we are conveying through our verbal and, especially, our non verbal communication. 

And if we are not aware of it, then we are not controlling it. 

This matters because:

How we communicate influences how others perceive us.

This is a result of what is called the “3V effect.” 

Your verbal + vocal + visual communication = How you present ourselves to the world around you, and YOU have the ability to influence how others perceive you, based on how you present yourself, using these 3Vs. 

Think about the impact, the influence, and the success you could create if you learned how to use your verbal vocal and visual communication effectively. 


Building Confidence in your Conversations


How Coaching Changed My Business & My Life