Stepping into the most Confident Version of Yourself

It is a Brand New Year, and if you are ready to ditch your communication anxiety once and for all, and practice stepping into the most confident and magnetic Version of yourself - I have a tool  for you that can change the way you present yourself on a day to day basis and help you become  a truly magnetic communicator. - Keep reading!

Happy 2023, my Friend!


I am someone that believes we have the power to change, start over, and create new goals, any day of the year!

But there is no denying that there is something magical about the start of the new year. The symbolism of turning the page, leaving behind that which was not serving us over the past 365 days and choosing to start fresh, creating the possibility to be whoever we choose to be. 


This year, I am committed, wholeheartedly, to being the successful business Communication coach I know myself to be – helping women in business find their voice and step into the most confident version of themselves through the power of their communication.

What about you?

  • Maybe you're looking to step into a new leadership role

  • To start showing up as an assertive woman who knows how to advocate for herself in a respectful way

  • To start speaking on more stages, sharing your story and inspiration

  • To finally start speaking up in meetings and contributing all the valuable ideas you have in your head.

There’s no greater opportunity than the New Year to start viewing yourself in a new light and implement the habits that will support you in becoming the person you want to be, so I’m sharing a very special tool with you all to help you leave your communication anxiety in 2022, and start walking your talk as a magnetic, dynamic, and confident communicator.


Introducing: Your Magnetic Speaker Persona.

This is a tool I give to all of my clients at the start of our coaching journey. (And for the month of January ONLY, I'm sharing it with all of you!)

 ​​The Magnetic Speaker Persona is the future version of you – the woman in business who has fully stepped into her confidence, believes in her ideas, and trusts herself to speak up and own her voice in the professional setting. 


Here’s what you want to do:

The goal with the Magnetic Speaker Persona, is to create a very clear image of how you can show up every single day using your communication skills to present yourself as the confident, dynamic, and magnetic woman you desire to be. 

Start by taking a few minutes to envision your future self in your most confident and magnetic state. Ask yourself:

“What are three adjectives I want to be described as by others when I am not in the room? And How do I need to present myself in order to create that impression?

Consider asking yourself:

How do I talk to others?

How do I handle Conflict?

How do I carry myself, and What does my body language say about me?

What is my signature Style, and what message does this give off to others?

What is the impression I give when I walk into a room?

What you are doing is creating very specific instructions for yourself of how you can show up on a day to day basis in order to be the person you want to be. When you practice this daily, it becomes easier and more natural for you, and with time you are able to step into this new identity.


If you want to dive in fully to this exercise, you can Download your template here, and start stepping into your most confident self today!

Cheers to you, friend, and to your most confident year yet!


The 3 Pillars of Confident Communication


3 Ways Improving Your Speaking Skills Can Help You Succeed in Your Career